Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Losing Casual Pauper

Sometimes I think I hate Pauper. I built a deck that was different. Game 1 I'm dead on turn 3 to Goblins. Fun. Switched decks to something a little more powerful. Lose to recurring Chittering Rats and Pestermites. Frustrating. Then I play this mind-numbing grind of a game vs endless graveyard recursion as win condition: Pit Keeper and Grim Harvest. Barf.

Is it the format or do I just not like losing? I'm learning that you have to build powerful decks if you want to win. Twisted Abomination isn't a good enough finisher. You'll run into infinite graveyard recursion and lose. You need Ulamog's Crusher and you need Cloudpost. You can't shy away from running four Counterspells and four Rune Snags. You need to play Rancor. The format is too powerful to bring decks without powerful cards. The Casual Room doesn't mean weak. I try to build my own decks, but if I want to win I'm going to have to bring the goods.

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